Dofus Touch December Advent Calendar - One Present Every Day

dofustouch-kamas Date: Dec/20/16 15:12:36 Views: 2129

The DOFUS Touch* Advent Calendar is just dying to spoil you rotten! 25 days, one present every day = presents galore! 

The idea is simple: Every day, you have to solve a riddle. If you answer correctly, you get the present hiding under the illustrated box of the day! 


The prizes to win are... No, but hang on! You don’t really believe that we’re going to spoil the surprises do you? What about the magic of Kwismas and all of that stuff?


So get ready, you have a rendez-vous on December 1st on the Advent Calendar page to collect your first gift!


Think you’ve seen it all before? Don’t be so sure! Because at the same time, the Ankama Shop has organized its own Advent Calendar!


*Warning: only players that have made at least one purchase in the shop with Goultines since the game was released, or who are in possession of an active Bonus Pack, can take part in the Advent Calendar. If you are not subscribed, you still have time to do so!


Little warning about buying goultines (cheap dofus touch kamas at if u are tempted to for this event, it doesn't always give you the goultines and they won't acknowledge that you made the purchase so if you do buy might be best to get a low amount.