Make Kamas By Selling Runes In DOFUS Touch
If you want to make millions of kamas, you need to make the highest level gear, to get the materials for the highest level gear, you need the highest level characters, to get the equips to use on your high level characters you need kamas. It's a vicious cycle. Here we'll focus on a simple way to make kamas, selling runes.
Special Packs Available This Week In DOFUS Touch Shop
This week's shop updates are coming! As usual, these items we list below are available from Feb. 23 to Mar. 2. This week, the Tormentor Pack are on sale with 10% discount! All Tormentors are included in the pack.
DOFUS Touch: The Cheapest Way To Level Tailor
Tailor in DOFUS Touch is said to be one of the hardest to level professions, due to the large range of resources that it needs. Once a Tailor reaches 65 they may become a Costumemagus.
The Side Kicks In DOFUS Touch Is Helpful To Build Enutrof
Enutrofs are covetous treasure hunters who want to acquire vast riches and every comfort known in DOFUS Touch. It's a terrific and challenge class for new players because of its versatility. That's why the Enutrof is ranked two of three stars in terms of difficulty.
Best Way To Train Magus In DOFUS Touch
In DOFUS Touch, a Mage is variety of profession. Maging currently exist for all of the equipment and weapon crafting professions, with the exception of Shield Smith. In this article, we'll talk about how to mage items and the best way to train your magus.
Frequently Asked Questions And Its Answers In DOFUS Touch
Whether you are a new player or returning gamers in Dofus Touch, here are some questions you may want to know as long as you play the game. Of course, we have concluded the proper answers to these frequently asked questions.
Abandoned Houses And Paddocks Will Be Relisted For Sale In DOFUS Touch
Recently, an announcement which referring to a disposal of the abandoned Houses and Paddocks in DOFUS Touch was released by the official site. These abandoned Houses and Paddocks will be relisted for sale on the 23rd of February 2017.
This Week Offers 30% Discount For DOFUS Touch Pets In Shop
Thursday - It's time to show what new items is on sale in shop this week! Speaking of something special this week, we have to mention DOFUS Pets in the shop.
How To Make Profession As Great Income Source In DOFUS Touch
As we know, some professions in DOFUS Touch allow you to gather certain resources from the environment, while other professions allow you to craft certain items. If you want to make money with a specific crafting profession, you have to evaluate a few factors.
Doing Main Quests Is Important To DOFUS Touch
DOFUS touch, even if it's older version of the PC game is still fun, DOFUS PC restricts you to the town of Astrub and it's immediate (and other features) surroundings while DOFUS Touch does not.
The Most Profitable Smith In DOFUS Touch
As a crafting profession. Smiths can make axes, daggers, hammers, pickaxes, scythes, shovels and swords. But which Smith is the most profitable one in DOFUS Touch?
Why Hunter And Butcher Are Very Lucrative Professions In DOFUS Touch
If you decide to choose a profession to earn kamas and level these professions on you own from zero experience. I'll give you some advices. If you want to become the greatest hunter and the most famous chef, you're in the right place.